Debbie - that's a very good question. It was located on Dibert road. If you go out Imlertown Road and turn right onto Rabbit lane, go to the intersection with Dibert road and turn left onto Dibert road, it would be about a quarter of a mile out that road (you can also just get onto Dibert Road off of Imlertown Road, just past the one lane bridge past the New Jail, and go about one to two miles and you'll pass the intersection with Rabbit Lane, but instead of turning you'll just stay straight). It sat on what is known as the Old Harry Biddle Farm (now the Butch Mortimore farm). It sat near where the new house and where the barn sits.
I don't know off hand of anyone who would have a picture of it before it was relocated, but if I hear anything I'll let you know! If you do find a picture, if you would share it with us, it would be awesome!