Bill, what you sent is great! I'll get it up on our website as soon as I can.
If you go to the cemeteries section of our website, there's a map on there where we marked the cemeteries (and I need to redo it since there are a couple more cemeteries that I didn't know about when I did it the first time) that I pulled off with the approximate area of Dutch Corner. Though, it can easily go a few miles more outward....when I pulled that map section out, I didn't want to include the turnpike area. Yeah, we don't really have exact lines stating "this is Dutch Corner"....if we tried to do that, I'm sure some people would be upset if we didn't include them, when they consider themselves to be in Dutch Corner. It's a tricky line. So, nothing is written in stone. But, for the sake of the map that you did, I'd say follow the approximate area of the cemetery map.