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 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:09 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 10:22 pm
Posts: 38
Bill, what you sent is great! I'll get it up on our website as soon as I can.

If you go to the cemeteries section of our website, there's a map on there where we marked the cemeteries (and I need to redo it since there are a couple more cemeteries that I didn't know about when I did it the first time) that I pulled off with the approximate area of Dutch Corner. Though, it can easily go a few miles more outward....when I pulled that map section out, I didn't want to include the turnpike area. Yeah, we don't really have exact lines stating "this is Dutch Corner"....if we tried to do that, I'm sure some people would be upset if we didn't include them, when they consider themselves to be in Dutch Corner. It's a tricky line. So, nothing is written in stone. But, for the sake of the map that you did, I'd say follow the approximate area of the cemetery map.

 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:11 pm 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
I haven't gotten anything done to the map the past few weeks. I have been busy with the garden getting everything done up before I leave for Oklahoma. I should be able to get some accomplished while I am there since I will not have much other to do in my idle time when not in class.

 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:05 pm 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
I have been working trying to used the B/W aerials from 1938. I made several attempts trying to peice together 10 photos in to one sinlge on to cover Dutch Corner. I have finally given up on this approach since the old photos have some issues when putting them together. From one frame to the next there is a trapaziod factor that I can't correct with my software. Some photos are worse than others probably due to the technology used back then. If the camera wasn't perfectly perpendicular to the earth during each shot then the reuslting image is distorted enough that trying to match up more than four in a square grid becomes impossible without correcting this. One of the reasons all of the modern spy birds have stabilzation on the cameras so when the plane pitches and yaws the camera optics are still perpendicular to the ground. It could have also been the optics in the camera itself causing distortion. Anyway, I will move forward with the modern images I was using before. If you have dealt with aerial photography as I did in the air force then you get the picture (no pun intended).


 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:48 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:05 pm
Posts: 3
I am pleased to find someone else interested in Bedford County Warrant maps. Try survey B-202 adjacent to V-28. I left a note on the tips bulletin board -- this is an example of one where the warrant application is in the West Side Applications Register (#3186), not one of the county warrant registers. While there is usually a later warrant to accept in the county register for a West Side application, I've not found one for this particular tract. Unfortunately it creates another hole -- completely surrounded, so no more clues from the adjacent surveys.

Survey C-186-103: Mistakes happen in the state copied survey books. The northernmost three calls on the copied survey are wrong.
Going counter-clockwise, the copied survey reads N31W 156; S61E 80; S21.5E 123.
It should read N31E 156; S61E 80; S48.5W 157.
The survey does abut John Ross on the common call -- With the correction it will also abut the two Dibert surveys. And it then also fits with Snake Spring tracts on the other side of the ridge.

As of August the Bedford County Historical Society has a connected tract map and compiled index of warrantee, patentees, and neighbor's names from the surveys for Snake Spring Township. Names from this are posted on the web; the map is not (google "connected tract map snake spring"). That map may help place the chain of tracts out to the narrows.

I'd hoped to use the site registration to email bbowser directly, but I'll ask webmaster to relay an emal...

 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:07 am 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
My interest in the Bedford County Warrant maps came along by accident when Lora gave me a link to my 6-Ggrandfather's warrant. I started by just trying to fill in the area near his plot to see who his neighbors were. It soon grew to cover most of Dutch Corner and has since spilled out to the west to cover from about Osterburg to Pavia west to Pleasantville Mountain. I have a gap between Osterburg and Dutch corner yet, but this winter I hope to get back to it and see if I can maybe complete the North west quadrant of the county since I am most familiar with this area. It became addictive. I already have a lot of the warrants located. I just have not had time to plot them out.

I am currently trying to get back to the Dutch Corner area and properly align the plots by overlaying on an aerial photo. Some of the property lines in the warrants become evident on the photo and match. Corrections like the C-186-103 plot help tremendously. I don't think I would have ever found that correction. The odd kick in the lines at the north end of the plot did seem strange as I couldn't see why it would do so when the mountain was running fairly straight at that point. I can visualize from the correction how it should look and it makes sense now. Maybe I can get the river to finnaly line up since this correction moves the south string of plots slightly west and south. There are probably some corrections out there somewhere that will fix the problems in the "Dibert Corner" area as well.

It is best to point out errors and post any corrections and additions to the map here in the forum. I will be less likely to misplace the info if it is here. All who had input can also be recongnized since we will have the history of the inputs to get this map correct and complete as possible. I have a feeling it may never be "complete" and the map will get corrections and updates for years to come. Maybe some of the holes will get filled in as we get more people who know the area involved as a few may already know the history of their land and have the warrant volume/series/page numbers.

If you click on the name of the person who made a post the site opens a window and there is another link that you can click which opens a personal message (PM) window so you can send a message to another member on the site. It is best to post the info here in the forum unless it is too personal.

Keep the info coming. I'll get back into this heavy once the weather turns cold again.


 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:32 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:05 pm
Posts: 3
Yes, the correction to C-186-103 will bring that chain of tracts into alignment with the river.
Then, from north-to-south, look at C-62-136, C-106-105, and the text tract, which has two copied surveys C-99-99 and C-99-112, then C-195-17. This will add a strip to the northwest side of the chain running to the river. It leaves a small hole adjacent to A-80-289 that I've not been able to fill.

When I registered for the site yesterday, I tried to leave a post on the Tips bulleting board -- I think I may have deleted it when I went to the registration screen -- so I'll repost it there with Lora's warrant register instructions.

 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:01 pm 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
Thanks GHSmith

I penciled then in on my paper copy. I see the Henry Roades survey is drawn upside down as I have found others.


 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:54 pm 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
I have completed most of the additions and corrections GHSmith mentioned. The C-186-103 tract does fit in much better now. I found the C-99-99 tract GHSmith mentioned contained an error. The north boundry reads 380 perches on the copied survey. I am convinced it should read 308 perches. Using 380 way overshoots Dunnings Creek. The north, southwest and northeast lines are very apparent on the aerial photo for this tract. Many of the tracts are lining up with "fence lines" and obvious feild boundries visible on the aerial photos. I still have trouble with the very southern part of the map. Judging from the visible lines on the photos the southern tracts may have been measured "short" on the lines parralelle with the mountain. I have a sizable gap in the area between C-186-103 and C-62-231/239. I am aligned correctly on the river and can see some of the lines in the photo. In the area where I have the gap there are two sets of distintive lines in the aerial photo. One set matches the alignment of C-62-231, C-195-284, A-80-289, and A-18-55. and the other matches C-77-30 and C-99-99. The first four tracts are aligned on the Raystown Branch. The tracts C-77-30, C-99-99 and the correctd tract C-186-103 should abut the other four tracts, but instead there is a large gap. The visible lines on the aerial photo that matches my placement of all of the tracts in this area. It seems as if there is a tract of land missing or the surveys for southern tracts are "short". I am leaving this gap in the map for now since there are visible lines that perfectly match my placements. Maybe someone knows or will find the answer as to what is going on here. I will upload the survey map overlaid on the aerial photo for all of Dutch Corner in a few days. I still have some adjustments to make in the middle. I have attached a snip of the map in the area I have mentioned.

Hmmm.JPG [99.94 KiB]
Downloaded 36 times
 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:24 pm 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
I have come across a survey that gives some history on the Bowsers, Zimmers, and Sells. The John Bowser mentioned is John and Eve Bowser's grandson.

See copied survey B-20-165.

This would be the C-16-56/57 and C-16-52 surveys I have on the map


 Post subject: Re: Reconstructed Map
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:50 pm 

Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 53
I have added several more warrant surveys to the map. I think I will wait until the next meeting to unviel what I have so far so I can add or correct things before the updated maps are posted to the site. The map will not look as neat as before since the plots are correctly lined up accoring to the visable lines on the aerial photo. I have some surveys that may answer my problem in the southern end at the narrows.

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